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  Отель для животных
Выгул собак

Выгул собак If your working schedule is full, if you are in business trip, on vacation, you just want to be lazy or have another reasons not to walk with your dog, we would be happy to help you. Our partners with a big pleasure will walk your dog, just choose the time. And remember, we prolong the duration of your sleep...

Собачья няня

Our dogs nannies will help you to look after your dog while you are not at home. If it is necessary nanny can stay with your pet 24 hours a day.

Собачья няня Our employees can take care about puppies as well as adult dogs. We are strict and fearful professional trainers.

 The big size of the room 7 square meters
 Wooden warmed ecological rooms with a possibility to go outside
 A big square for walking 400 square meters

Гостиница для животных

Home conditions for animals

Передержка животных в МосквеOur employees can keep your pet in home conditions. The service is special because we don’t take a group of dogs like other companies. There could be not more than two dogs in one flat. (yours and a dog of our employee). We can also take care about cats, other animals.

The hotel for animals

Not long time ago we finished the building of the hotel. There are rooms for dogs as well as for other animals. It is made from ecological material and equipped according to all standards of a dogs room. The hotel for cats is also placed in our hotel. We are situated only in 2 km from MKAD. Our hotel can arrange a delivery of your pet to our place.

Walking with dogs in Moscow and Moscow region

We offer you a special service - Walking with dogs in Moscow and Moscow region. If you have difficulties in walking with your dog yourself, we would be glad to do that. The walking includes also training elements for a dog, special games. Walking with dogs became a popular type of business in many countries of the world. This business just started growing in Russia, but it already has its permanent customers. It is important for our job, the age, temper and the type of dog. We can care about one or a group of dogs, adult dog or puppy.

Dogs nannies

If your pet needs additional attention during the whole day, this service will be the best for your situation. The nanny will spend a necessary quantity of time with your pet, will walk , train , feed and able to provide a medical help if needed.

Training of the dogs

Our kinologs can train your pet and correct its behavior. It can be training with different levels of difficulty- puppy training( schutzhund), training of service dogs (german Sheppard, kawkaz dogs, middleeaster dogs), IPO, training of decorative dogs, freestyle, circus training, freesbi, raising sport. We have our local for training.

About our company

Neznaika on the Moon. Dog nanny"Sitting on the age of the bench, Neznaika boy asked calmly a short boy who was sitting next to him, who are nannies for dogs and what for are they hired. Short boy answered:

- Many rich men like dogs, but they do not like to take care about dogs. So they hire somebody who is good in that what they need. They are calles nannies of the dogs. Sometimes they also invite such nanny to play with their dog while the owners are in theater or cinema. This type of work is called "call job". Dogs nannies are often invited to work permanently for rich people. That is more profitable for both sides..."
("Neznaika on the Moon", Nikolay Nosov)

Discount system

Discounts for permanent customers For permanent customers of our company and owners of several dogs there is a system of discount. We try to make compromises with our customers, it is important during a crisis time. But we are not able to work below profit line and our prises can not be lower than the cost of transportation to a working place.

The laws how to treat dogs

Russian laws about animals"Russian government should keep people in state of complete surprise. The strictness of Russian law is softened with a no obligatory to follow its punkts". (Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, XIX centuries). But knowing of Russian law punkts can help you to communicate with police who know them not so often although they seem to protect them.

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